Well, here we are in 2017. Rather eerie, in my opinion.

As the holidays wind down, it means no more extended family (which might be a relief?), no more parties, no more presents. Just … daily life in Crenshaw, LAX, Downtown/West LA, Hollywood, and So CAL. And, in my opinion, this coming week is actually crucial to how the rest of your year goes.

Why? Because intentions and actions matter. And, I DO believe that how we act out what we intend to do sets a subconscious belief system in place which can have an impact for months at a time.

In other words — do what you *intend* to do this week, and it’ll be much easier to carry that forward into more of 2017. At least, that’s been my experience.

What about you? Do you find the beginning of the year to be full of opportunity? Or is it full of discouragement? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

Well, for my staff and me … it’s certainly full of preparation. This is one of our most intense years of groundwork for tax season, simply because the tax code is getting even MORE complex.

Also, an important note: As I mentioned before, the start of actual tax filing will not begin until January 23, 2017. This does NOT mean that we can’t begin the preparation process earlier (we can, if you really have your paperwork in order), but it does mean that the IRS won’t be issuing refunds or otherwise officially accepting returns until that point.

Now, here are MY goals for the year. Would love to hear yours…

Champion Tax Service’s New Year’s Resolutions
“Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success.” – Ross Perot

2016 is in the rearview mirror. The holidays are past (family, football, gifts and such gave my body AND my wallet a bit of a beating! Can you relate?). And now, we’re facing a brand new year … and we’ve all got some pesky resolutions to follow.

The following are MY new year’s resolutions for 2017 . . .

1) Provide my clients and their friends with THE standard in tax preparation and financial advice — especially in light of all the uncertainty with the installment of a new presidential administration. There are MANY changes in store for us this year, and we’re planning to be on top of all of them, on your behalf.

2) Make an effort to eat more natural foods — especially the kind that taste good. Probably no explanation is necessary here. 🙂

3) Lead my team well — with grace, excellence and compassion during our busiest times. The metaphorical bullets fly fast when we are handling hundreds of clients, and we have been looking ahead to this time for months now. But I’m under no illusions about the fact that my leadership and attitude will be one of the key factors for the success of our team.

What are YOUR resolutions? I’d love to hear about them. In fact, shoot me an email and I’d love to know what you’re resolving to do in 2017.

As always, feel free to email or call: (310) 327-1985) us to set up appointment! We’ve also set up an online appointment center at bookchampiontax.timetap.com to further make the scheduling process easier.  Sure, you don’t have your paperwork ready yet — but don’t hesitate to lock yourself in, and help us plan our workflow effectively at the same time. 


Andre Sugars
(310) 327-1985

Champion Tax Service